Si tienes una tienda y te interesa vender mis productos, podemos negociar otras condiciones.
El pago se realiza por paypal, bizum, ingreso o transeferencia bancaria y los artículos no son enviados hasta que no se ha hecho efectivo el pago.
En el caso de que quieras que haga un artículo personalizado exclusivamente para tí, suelo cobrar un adelanto para asumir el coste de materiales.
Los gastos de envio no están incluidos en el precio de los artículos y dependen del destino y el peso del paquete a enviar, por lo que me es dificil poner precios fijos para dicho trámite. Puedes hacerte una idea de lo que costará tu pedido a través de la página oficial de Correos
If you like what i do and want to buy or order any product, please contact me here and I will contact you as soon as possible.
If you have a shop and are interested in selling my products, we can negotiate other conditions. If you commision any article personalized for you only, I normally ask for an advance payment to cover the purchase of materials.
Payment is made by pay pal, bizum, deposit or bank transference and items are not sent until payment it's been made.
Shipping charges are not included in the price of goods and depend on destination and weight of the package to send, for I am finding it hard to find a fix price for such proceedings as this is a tiny bussynes. If you want to have a rough idea of how much your delivery will cost, you can check it through the spanish postal service page "Correos" here
If you have a shop and are interested in selling my products, we can negotiate other conditions. If you commision any article personalized for you only, I normally ask for an advance payment to cover the purchase of materials.
Payment is made by pay pal, bizum, deposit or bank transference and items are not sent until payment it's been made.
Shipping charges are not included in the price of goods and depend on destination and weight of the package to send, for I am finding it hard to find a fix price for such proceedings as this is a tiny bussynes. If you want to have a rough idea of how much your delivery will cost, you can check it through the spanish postal service page "Correos" here