El Jueves 16 de Abril, a las 17:30h nació Anna. 3.830 gr, 51cm, tranquila y comilona.
Traerla al mundo costó un poco, pero finalmente, y tras mi segunda cesárea, lo conseguimos. Las dos estamos bien y nos estamos conociendo poco a poco, así que como comprenderéis, estaré un tiempo sin postear demasiado, al menos, hasta que cojamos ritmillo :D
On Thursday April the 16th, around 17:30h Anna was born. 3.830gr, 51cm, quiet and greedy.
Bringing her to this world was a bit hard, but finally, and after my second caesarean, we did it. We both are ok and are slowly getting to know each other, so, as you may understand, I'll be some time away from posting, at least, till we get some rythm :D